Club History
About the amalgamated club
In 2018, Surfcoast tennis lovers inherited a brand new club to call home after the amalgamation of three local clubs. In January 2018, following ongoing discussions in 2016 Torquay, Jan Juc and Bellbrae Tennis Clubs formed a single entity to be known as Surfcoast Tennis Club. Since the amalgamation we have continued to grow and in 2022 we have 850+ active members making us one of the biggest clubs in Regional Victoria.
Prior to that, we were 3 separate clubs. The history of each is detailed below.
Torquay Tennis Club History
In the early 1900’s tennis enthusiasts and holiday makers were eager to have tennis courts in Torquay to explore their talents and enthusiasm for the game. Torquay Improvement Association provided two courts in Beales Street behind their hall. The block was purchased for 25 shillings per foot and a deposit of 50 Pounds was paid, the remainder to come within the next three years.
On 16th of March 1918, Torquay tennis Clubs first committee was formed as a sub committee to the Torquay Improvement Association and by 1933 tennis was proving very popular, having 4 good quality courts in Torquay. By 1971 Torquay Tennis Club undertook to manage the courts which involved paying rates and maintenances. In 1982, the club relocated to its current address in spring Creek Reserve with four asphalt courts and clubrooms all fully funded by the club, through fundraising by dedicated members. Demand for courts increased over time and two additional courts were constructed.
In 2000 the club received funding to resurface 4 asphalt courts to synthetic grass and install lighting on two of them. The club then proceeded to put lighting on the two other synthetic courts through own funds generated from night competition and increased memberships. Fast track to 2010 and Torquay Tennis Club received grants for the resurface the two remaining asphalt courts to synthetic grass and the installation of lighting.
Bellbrae Tennis Club History
Bellbrae tennis club had its first meeting with 16 in attendance on the 14th of April 1929, where those in attendance decided to write to the department for a grant to build tennis courts. Regular social events and a dance were planned to raise money to fund the court surfacing. In June 1953 plans were discussed to build a pavilion next to the courts. This was constructed by members at working bees, in particular Ray Cunningham and Ken Baesch.
By 1978 the club’s financial status sat around $1,000 and by 1980 there were 26 senior members, 6 families and 1 junior member. Court hire was $1.00 for 1 hour as a non-member in 1980.
Jan Juc Tennis Club History
Looking for a member who knows or is willing to research and write a brief history of Jan Juc Tennis Club. 1-3 paragraphs is all we need.